SONIC RANDOMNESS: The Movie is an action packed comedy feature about the adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. In this feature film, Dr Eggman has created a robot that is capable to destroy the world. However, in a mass malfunction, the robot goes beserk and starts destroying Eggman's Base along with the world. Eggman doesn't like this - so he gets Sonic for help. Sonic had better think fast before accepting Eggman's mission! Along with the rest of the story, Sonic the Hedgehog is also on a quest to find the seven chaos emeralds. Will Sonic be able to save the world in time before Eggman destroys it? Find out in SONIC RANDOMNESS: THE MOVIE This film is rated PG Parental Guidance Recommended for persons under the age of 15 years. It contains Violence, Drug References and Adult Themes. FEATURE RUN TIME: 1Hr 23Min (83 Mins) a CAMERON HONS STUDIOS PRODUCTION Associated with DLINER FILMS CORPORATION (C) Copyright SEGA and SONICTEAM 1991-2007 All Right Reserved. Sonic the Hedgehog and other characters from Sonic the Hedgehog is Copyright SEGA and SONICTEAM 1991-2007
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